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  • Writer's pictureHendry Roux

By retrieving the pieces of your soul that are stuck in the past, holds untold healing for you.

Updated: Jan 20, 2019

I have made it my life’s work to find solutions for Post Trauma Depression and Anxiety because I did suffer greatly after serving about 20 years in the South African Defense Force and South African Police Service. I had a very hard time adjusting and in the end I just cut myself off from everything and everyone. Some nights I will jump out of bed and just Start running for no reason. Sometimes I will just ,out of nowhere Jump out of bed. This meant that I spend many years sleeping on the couch.

With my spiritual awakening I started practicing Reiki and soon afterwards I became a certified Reiki Master. I trained myself in about all the energy healing modalities that there are available out there.

I learned about soul retrieval where a piece of your energy is frozen in the past as a result of a traumatic event and by reclaiming this energy my whole future changed within a very short time frame and also my luck changed immensely, and even the people around me started having good luck and even some fortunes changed as some people close to me won large amounts of money, chronic illnesses disappeared overnight, just to name a few.

I taught myself to reclaim my life from PTSD and anxiety, consequently I am building an energy healing practice focusing on people that suffers from depression, anxiety and teaching them to reclaim their lives and their future.

I focus on modalities that worked for me and can be scientifically proven. Thru these methods I can bring value to your life, I know, I have been in the deepest darkest depression and very close to suicide.

These sessions are to be used in conjunction with your current treatment

and does not replace medical treatment, that been said, no medical treatment worked for me and the side effects of the medicine was no bonus to my life.

My warmest Regards with Love and Respect

Hendry Roux

7th Gate Ascension

South Africa

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