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  • Writer's pictureHendry Roux

God is Light & so are You

Updated: Feb 9, 2019

To say that a life experience on the wheel of incarnation is complete after death is only true for the part we return to Gaya.

There is something so absolutely miraculous in the mere pondering of its existence a well thought of dream to many but to the few who get plunged head first into the seeking abyss,

a reality that can be only fittingly described as a true Hollywood Sc-Fi movie.

Welcome to my world on the road to Ascension thru Spiritual Enlightenment and Self- Realization, where thru practical experimentation and endless hours of research I demystified the Spiritual by peeling away the superstition and revealing the wisdom that was hidden thru the sands of time.

I invite the seekers of the world to enjoy the once hidden wisdom as it was revealed to me

between the pages of this factual piece. My Magnum Opus of the Great Arcanum.

Here you will learn from personal experience who God is, Where God is and what is the purpose of this, and all existence.

When you are able to see the value portrayed in this material and follow it as a guide, most surely you will arise in greatness as all the well-known philosophers who thru Enlightened became Prophets and Saints that wrote the books which became the scriptures that was the foundations of all modern religions.

But in the end only you can choose to walk this path, no one else can walk it for you. The secret of immortality lies within you. You are vastly more Powerful than you know, it is time to Awake to that Power.

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